Cats and Dogs

Straight from the Heart Anthology

Wesley Leon Aroozoo

Straight From The Heart is a three-part anthology of quintessential slices of Singapore set in the heartland. The telemovie Cats And Dogs is an adaptation by Wesley Leon Aroozoo of the short story Of Cats and Dogs and HDB Flats from Wong Swee Hoon’s collection of short stories. This is a quirky, tongue-in-cheek story with colourful characters set in a seemingly boring neighbourhood. In this dark comedy Asian Television Award winning actor Pierre Png plays a bumbling pet detective who adores Sherlock Holmes to a fault. Also starring Silver Ang, Benjamin Heng, Randall Tan, Melissa Sidek, Jaenani Netra and R Chandran.

Directed by : Kabir Bhatia

Script by : Wesley Leon Aroozoo

Produced by : Verite Productions

Duration: 70 minutes

Image : Mediacorp