Academic Conferences

Wesley Leon Aroozoo

Wesley Leon Aroozoo presented his academic research Exploring Dream Soundscapes in Cinema at the 13th Asian Conference on Media, Communication and Film, MediAsia (Kyoto, Japan) in October, 2022.

The 13th Asian Conference on Media, Communication and Film held in Kyoto, Japan and online is a partnership with the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University, Japan. It encourages academics and scholars to meet and exchange ideas and views in an international forum stimulating respectful dialogue.

In Exploring Dream Soundscapes in Cinema, Wesley analysed familiar sound design conventions associated with creating soundscapes for dreams in cinematic language from films such as Hans Zimmer’s interpretation with Inception (2010). The discussion also dissected and identified aural elements, origins and associations of these conventions which include key sound design elements such as the use echoes, amplification and absence of diegetic sounds and atonal music. It concluded with a comprehensive summary before bringing forth the possibility of new approaches to creating soundscape for dreams.

Wesley Leon Aroozoo

Image: 13th Asian Conference on Media, Communication and Film