Dragon Plays
LoNyLa produced The Dragon Plays, an initiative to bridge the East-West divide and develop new work by Asian writers or writers of Asian descent. A joint effort by LoNyLa London, LoNyLa Hong Kong (in partnership with Hong Kong Dramatists) and LoNyLa Singapore, the January-February 2012 reading series involved broadcasting new work over the Internet and conducting a three-city feedback loop. Similar to the transatlantic vLab, audiences clicked on a hyperlink to view the reading from offices and homes.
Representing LoNyLa Singapore were The Book of Living and Dying by Chong Tze Chien and an early version of Bedok Reservoir by Wesley Leon Aroozoo.
Directed by: Elina Lim
Play Written by : Wesley Leon Aroozoo
Produced by : Pinball Collective
Starring: Erwin Shah Ismail, Ruzaini Mazani, Chio Su-Ping, Lyon Sim
Duration: 90 mins
Articles and Reviews:
Image: Timewavefestival.com